
Brand Identity
Gemini Coffee

Design Objective
Gemini Coffee is a small business, supplying caffeine to local students and the employed of Downtown Atlanta. Gemini Coffee opened its doors in Spring 2019, providing a niche astrology experience for caffeine consumers.
The design objective was to create a cohesive branding package for Gemini Coffee that reflected their brand adjectives: inviting, energetic, bold. I met the objective by utilizing timeless type, astrology-inspired iconography, and colors that mirror the sky

Print Elements


Creating an Identity

For Gemini Coffee, a word-mark logo was created to stand out from other coffee competitors that utilize predictable coffee iconography. The primary wordmark holds personality through the italic typeface. The tittle’s of the letter “i” within the word-mark are stars. Two stars were used to represent the astrology symbol and company name: Gemini.
Gemini’s represent twins, showcasing the signs’ “two faced” tendencies. The primary logo is used for packaging and print materials. For the secondary logo, a capitalized “g” holds a single star. This design element mirrors stars rotating around an axis. The secondary logo is used for social media, merchandise, and business cards.

The typography duo of Rocky and Brand create the bold and energetic personality that the brand desired. “Gemini balances above “coffee” for an evenly distributed word weight. The two serif
typefaces invoke the inviting element of the brand. Both words thrive individually, due to the different line weights of the characters.

C: 47%
M: 13%
Y: 33%
K: 0%
C: 91%
M: 67%
Y: 49%
K: 40%
C: 0%
M: 0%
Y: 0%
K: 0%
The color choices for Gemini Coffee resemble fazes of
the sky. The light blue reflects morning hours, while the dark blue reminds viewers of blue hour—the color change that happens moments after a sunset. White is utilized to resemble the way stars appear in the sky: tiny white specks.